Spectur SP 2000 Hydro Vac Slurry Processing System

- The Spectur H-Vac Slurry Processing System with three dump lanes and either a Discharge Tank or Centrifuge polishing station is designed to produce clean water for reuse and dried solids for disposal.
- H-Vac Slurry processing is done in real time either from continuous dumping or from batch dumping throughout the day.
- The 115 ft x 65 ft standard layout, which provides large processing capacity in a small work area, can potentially be modified to accommodate site requirements.
- This low maintenance, easy to operate system is design to effectively receive and process up to 12 loads an hour and can accommodate the highly diverse slurry mixtures that are common in the Hydro Vac Industry.
- Balanced System Dynamics: The Master Control Center effectively manages water levels and flows to transport, condition, and process large volumes of H-Vac Slurry.
- Self Cleaning Dump: The dump tank system’s self cleaning features allow for optimal material movement without the need for regular tank clean out.
- Simple Screening: The two stage screening system is low maintenance and extremely easy to operate.
- Clarification of Low Gravity Solids: Spectur’s specific application of Clarification Technology effectively removes low gravity material from Hydro Vac Slurry and can provide cleaned water that is 99.5%+ free of suspended solids.
- Low Operating Costs: Through system automation, the entire processing system can be operated by one person with material handling and maintenance support as required.